You should provide factual and relevant information related to the issue or complaint, preferably by completing (and signing) a DD Form 2949, Joint Inspector General Action Request (available at the link below). However, if you do not have immediate access to a DD Form 2949, you can simply prepare a letter and mail it to the appropriate IG. Complaint letters should be signed, legible (preferably typed) and reproducible. They should include your rank/grade, name, Joint Staff Directorate, home and duty addresses and phone numbers (commercial and DSN), and, if active duty, your social security number. Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) disclosures may be submitted on a DD Form 2949, by letter, in person, or by FWA hotlines.
List your allegation(s) briefly; however, be specific and avoid broad generalizations. For example, do not write, "My supervisor is a poor manager and abuses his subordinates." Instead, provide the name/rank of the specific person(s) you believe have done something wrong. Cite the specific instance(s) of wrongdoing. For example, state "On 2 Dec 98, Major John P. Jones, Commander, JX, U. S. Cyber Command, directed SrA Glen Allen and A1C Teresa Anderson to wash his POV." Briefly describe the circumstances surrounding the alleged incident. Multiple allegations must be clearly delineated so they can be easily recognized. Ensure you clearly express a violation of law, regulation, directive or policy in each allegation.
When you file an IG complaint, you are making an official statement; therefore, you are subject to punitive action if you intentionally make false statements. When you sign a DD Form 2949, you are signing a statement that says, "Those who knowingly and intentionally provide false statements in this complaint are subject to potential punitive and administrative actions (UCMJ Art. 107; 18 U.S.C. 1001)."
Also, filing an IG complaint will not normally delay or prevent completion of command actions such as reassignment, retirement, discharge, non-judicial punishment, etc. IGs do not have the authority to place individuals on administrative hold; that authority rests with commanders and your Service’s personnel center.
DD Form 2949, Joint Inspector General Action Request