Technology Transfer Program

Mission Statement

The mission of the Technology Transfer Program for U.S. Cyber Command is to foster collaboration with industry, academia, and other government organizations to develop innovative capabilities and solutions to our challenge problem set. Through strategic partnerships and knowledge sharing, we aim to accelerate the transfer of cutting-edge technologies and expertise to enhance U.S. cyber capabilities for our mission force. Our program is committed to bridging the gap between research and operational implementation, driving the advancement of cyber capabilities to protect national security and maintain the advantage in the cyber domain. The U.S. Cyber Command Office of Research and Technology Applications (ORTA) manages the Tech Transfer Program on behalf of the Lab Director and Commander.

Opportunities for Technology Transfer

Questions? For more information, contact our Federal Lab’s Office of Research And Technology Applications (ORTA) at

  Industry Engagement



        Private Sector

                           UNAD Logo
          (Click logo)

ORTA Director
Mr. Adam Lucht


DoD Instruction for Tech Transfer [pdf]



USCYBERCOM Challenge Problem Set [pdf]